Siliguri, West Bengal, India
English Language, Internet, Social Media
यूजर के बारे में
want to enhance my training skills.
काम का अनुभव
Lincolns High School
पूरा समय अप्रैल-2010 तक दिसम्बर-2012 2 वर्षों 8 महीने
  • As an assistant teacher.
  • Well i guess my achievement in this organisation was though i had started up as junior section teacher taking classes from I to V initially but soon the management entrusted me with the responsibility to teach higher section too from classes VI to VII and then Classes IX, X and XI. And that too different subjects like computer, mathematics, commercial studies and business studies.
Bachelor of Commerce, Marketing
अतिरिक्त अभ्यास
  • suspense thrillers

  • watching movies

  • Cricket

  • surfing net

  • Listening to music

प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Abhishek Siliguri से बाहर है और Marketing, B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce वर्ष 2003-2005 से , का अध्ययन किया है।
Abhishek Dutta English Language, Internet, Social Media और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है