Zaki Bangalore से बाहर है और Training and Development, B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce वर्ष 1991-1993 से AAIIS-Al Ameen Institute of Information Sciences, Bangalore University का अध्ययन किया है।
Zaki Imran English Language, Communication Skills, General Knowledge और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है
यूजर के बारे में
I am a training professional with core knowledge of US Healthcare insurance industry. I was last employed as an AM, Business training, at Blr and posses 13 years of total experience in the USHC domain. I can handle both an operational and a training related supervisory role for any US based healthcare process.
Excellent verbal & written communication is my forte. Looking to leverage my knowledge and experience into a suitable position in Training/HR/Office administration dept.
Career Aim
I am a training professional with core knowledge of US Healthcare insurance industry. I was last employed as an AM, Business training, at Blr and posses 13 years of total experience in the USHC domain. I can handle both an operational and a training related supervisory role for any US based healthcare process.
Excellent verbal & written communication is my forte. Looking to leverage my knowledge and experience into a suitable position in Training/HR/Office administration dept.
To supervise a team of trainers aligned to specific LOB's. To maintain & improve the process efficiency and associate performance by identifying opportunities to implement up-skill, cross-skill or refresher training programs, maintaining all the relevant records/database pertaining to the training programs conducted & quality scores as per client set SLAs, and to conduct interviews of new hires.
As a part of the neutral Hiring panel, I ensured the interviews were thorough and the identified candidates were appropriate & suitable for the Org. Undertook many initiatives towards better employee engagement and conducted many events related to knowledge enhancement & performance improvement. Also implemented multiple ideas to increase training effectiveness & knowledge retention by the associates.
पूरा समयअप्रैल-2012 तक मार्च-20152 वर्षों 11 महीने
To Supervise a team of trainers & oversee training effectiveness and development. Manage training infrastructure and end to end training cycle. To conduct TNA to check the need for refresher or cross-skill trainings.
Developed new training content & curriculum or revised existin training documents to increase knowledge comprehension. Ensured effective learning and retention of the subject matter by conducting special training sessions. Conducted TTT sessions to improve our trainers' skills in training delivery. Traveled to US as a transition trainer to transfer 2 new processes and played a key role in ensuring smooth running of the new projects. My role in the new projects was appreciated both by internal management as well the client.
पूरा समयअप्रैल-2009 तक मार्च-20122 वर्षों 11 महीने
To impart training on US healthcare to all new hires, on fundamental as well as core process subject.
Ensured that all new hires learned the subject effectively and moved on confidently to the production floor. Ensured that each trainee enjoyed the subject & gained good insight on the matter.
पूरा समयअप्रैल-2004 तक मार्च-20094 वर्षों 11 महीने
To test the insurance 'Plan build' for flaws and have them rectified, to ensure the plan paid according to the contract agreed upon by our client and its customer.
I was part of the pilot process. Met SLA's and TATs along with mentoring new joiners, played an important role in obtaining the client 'Go' decision for this process as well.
I was part of the pilot process and underwent training in US. Met SLA's and TATs along with mentoring new joiners, played an important role in obtaining the client 'Go' decision.
Zaki Bangalore से बाहर है और Training and Development, B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce वर्ष 1991-1993 से AAIIS-Al Ameen Institute of Information Sciences, Bangalore University का अध्ययन किया है।
Zaki Imran English Language, Communication Skills, General Knowledge और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है