** To Maintain Good Relationship between Vendor Supplier ** Material Received as per P.O & Invoice. ** Update Inventories in Stock Register. ** Check the material as per specification given in P.O. ** Maintain the stock/ purchase register. ** Stock maintenance and Inventory Management. ** Controlling Inventory of Raw materials, Packing materials, and consumables. ** Material Receipt, storage, quality and documentation. ** Preparation of stores report weekly/ monthly. ** To maintain systematic records of materials. ** Physical checking of all goods with compares system stock or book stock ** Issues of the material for the indenter persons and department. ** Returning of Rejection material. ** Storing a material location wise with proper identification ** Responsible for entire stores activities. ** Protect materials from losses and damages. ** Maintaining correct records of all incoming mat
Account Assistant & Store Officer
Matrix Biomedics Pvt. Ltd.
पूरा समयजुलाई-2008 तक जनवरी-20096 महीने
• Accounts Writing. • Preparing & filing of VAT returns. • Preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement. • Preparing T.D.S. Return. • Filling Income Tax Return. • Invoice Booking. • Preparing MIS Report.. • Preparing P.O. & P.R. in SAP. • Preparing G.L. Entries for fund transfer & Bank Deposit • Responsible for keeping day-to-day track of stocks of stores as per their Specification. • Responsible for receipt and proper Storage of raw materials • Handling & responsible for checking of breakage products • Responsible for Storing rejected material & Sending back the material to the party
TAx & Accounts Assistant
पूरा समयजून-2006 तक जुलाई-20082 वर्षों 1 महीना
Accounts Writing, Filling of Various returns. ( MVAT, Income Tax, Service Tax, Profession Tax etc.) Prepare Bank Reconsilation Statement, Prepare & filling of TDS Certificate. prepare LBT Statement
Handling Scrutiny cases against Sales Tax Authorites.