Lakshmanan Muscat से बाहर है और Business Administration, B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce वर्ष 1978-1981 से GRCCCM-Government Ramnarayan Chellaram College of Commerce and Management, Bangalore University का अध्ययन किया है।
Lakshmanan Balakrishnan Quantitative Analysis, Interior Designer, Logistics और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है
यूजर के बारे में
I am an able Administrator with Facilities management skills for over twenty years. Always worked at Corporate levels in the midst of senior management members. Carry well with seniors, confident, approachable, solution provider, an enabler by nature. Have executed 5 Brand image for large Banks in the Gulf.
Career Aim
I am an able Administrator with Facilities management skills for over twenty years. Always worked at Corporate levels in the midst of senior management members. Carry well with seniors, confident, approachable, solution provider, an enabler by nature. Have executed 5 Brand image for large Banks in the Gulf.
Introducting the supplies and service of CCTV, Access control, Fire & Security alarm systems, Parking systems and various security gadgets to new projects
Manager Administration
Qatar National Bank SAQ
पूरा समयनवम्बर-2014 तक नवम्बर-20162 वर्षों
Facilities management for the Head Office building and Six large Branches all over the Sultanate of Oman, including project management, contracts and vendor management, Inventory and Fixed assets control, Stores and Archives, Branch visits and various
Centralised the Archival system, Implemented Fixed Asset system and computerised the same, Co-ordinated and completed Ground plus 7 upper floor construction works and completed the project within 20 Months and re-located the operations from the rented premises to the own building
Projects Managerr
Chris Garrod Private Limited
पूरा समयजुलाई-2014 तक नवम्बर-20144 महीने
Supervision of fit out works in terms of Brand image - Shangri La hotel on Palace Road, Bangalore next to Maharani College.
Out of 130 rooms, completed 54 rooms within 4 months period.
Manager Facilities
Blue Chip Technologies WLL
पार्ट टाईमसितम्बर-2013 तक मार्च-20146 महीने
Created a new division for Blue Chip Technologies, formation of a Facilities management unit. Preparation of Operations Manual, Desk Top instructions for all activities including MEP jobs, house keeping, cleaning, maintenance, garden and landscape maintenance.
Completed the whole task of company registration with Ministry of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce, Tender Board, Qatar Municipality and other regulatory authorities and assisted in preparation of quotation, preparation of contract document and various
Deputy Manager / Projects Co-ordinator
Doha Bank SAQ
पूरा समयनवम्बर-2009 तक जून-20133 वर्षों 7 महीने
Project management for implementation of new Brand image and worked alongside US Based Brand Managers M/ss.PFVS International, Atlanta. Implemented new Brand image for 15 Large Corporate Branches and 22 medium size SME Branches, over 140 offsite ATMs and 15 sites for Drive Through ATM sites.
Assisted the Project Director during the interior fit out works for the new Head Quarters building in West Bay, Ground floor, 3 Basement parking and Utilities, with 24 upper floor high rise building. It took 24 months to complete the interiors and re-locate the Head Office operations from rented building to the own premises. I was one of the key members in planning and execution.
Senior Manager Projects
National Bank of Oman
पूरा समयमई-2008 तक मार्च-200910 महीने
Managed the roll out of new brand image for NBO. Worked alongside UK based Brand managers M/s. Allen International, London. Completed interior fit out works with required Brand image implementation for 18 Branches within 6 months time.
Completed implementation of new brand image for the main branch within six months, by retaining the operations live without affecting the customer service.
Manager Branch Administration
Bank Sohar SAOG
पूरा समयजनवरी-2007 तक मई-20081 साल 4 महीने
As a new Bank, I was one of the management committee member in finalising the operations, the stationery, the layout for the branch premises, implementation of new brand image, right from scratch up to opening the new outlet. A total of 9 branches were opened within Eight months all over the Sultanate of Oman.
Most of the interior fit out works were completed within 60 days from commencement and the target was achieved without any trouble/delays
Officer Administration
Oman International Bank [now HSBC]
पूरा समयअक्तूबर-1986 तक दिसम्बर-200620 वर्षों 2 महीने
I started with Oman International Bank as Training Administrator. Assisted the Training Manager to set up a Training Centre with four large class rooms, one library, one computer lab, one model branch. Initially we were catering to inhouse Bank staff, later out siders were attending several CSR course, Management skills and various. There after I worked in the HR Department where I computerised the HRMS System, There after I worked in the Finance Department and I implemented the Account payable systems and LPO systems, Thereafter I was moved to Senior management members I was Secretary to Asst.General Manager, Deputy General Manager. Thereafter for about one year I was with Banking Operations department. From 1994, I was moved to Services Department, where I handled Facilities management, Services, Vendor and Contracts management, Stationery stock, Archives, Fixed Assets control and Project Management for interior fit out works
Lakshmanan Muscat से बाहर है और Business Administration, B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce वर्ष 1978-1981 से GRCCCM-Government Ramnarayan Chellaram College of Commerce and Management, Bangalore University का अध्ययन किया है।
Lakshmanan Balakrishnan Quantitative Analysis, Interior Designer, Logistics और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है