Ashish Mumbai से बाहर है और CE-Civil Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology वर्ष 1991-1994 से AU-Amravati University, Amravati University का अध्ययन किया है।
Ashish Jha Project Management, Vendor Management, Cost Reduction और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है
यूजर के बारे में
An experienced Project roll out professional and Seeking senior level assignments in Project Management and Planning with a high growth oriented organisation.
Have successfully completed more than 75 lac. sqft of commercial, retail and residential space all across India to the satisfaction of end users and willing to add more figure in it.
Career Aim
An experienced Project roll out professional and Seeking senior level assignments in Project Management and Planning with a high growth oriented organisation.
Have successfully completed more than 75 lac. sqft of commercial, retail and residential space all across India to the satisfaction of end users and willing to add more figure in it.
End to end project management, team building, client management, man managemnt, timely delivering the project, vendor management
Best employee
Head Project Manager
Nestopia (funded by Century ply limited)
पूरा समयदिसम्बर-2015 तक अप्रैल-20164 महीने
As a Head project i was responsible for Proficiency in site surveys and project planning. Proficiency in building up the project execution team configuring project executers, purchase, accounts and store keepers. Giving High Value for Safe Working environments with Zero compromise on Safety Measures. Successful in implementing standardized processes for the developers/builder’s relations.Proficiency in coordinating with the vendors, enhancing their process operations; thereby achieving the required quality level in the supplies. Deft at executing energy saving & cost saving measures with suitable modifications in process. Spearheaded numerous ultra-fast track projects during the career span. Adept at people management, maintaining healthy employee relations, and handling grievances thus creating amicable & transparent work environment.
As it is a startup company , i have made all SOP, Construction manuals, do and donots. Have successfully completed 10 residential project in such a sort span which gave a boost to the management as how to proceed in future ventures.
Ashish Mumbai से बाहर है और CE-Civil Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology वर्ष 1991-1994 से AU-Amravati University, Amravati University का अध्ययन किया है।
Ashish Jha Project Management, Vendor Management, Cost Reduction और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है