फ़ोरम एक ऑनलाइन चर्चा मंच है जहां युवाओं या यहां तक कि अनुभवी पेशेवरों ने से संबंधित अपने प्रश्नों पर चर्चा की और अन्य प्रतिभावान व्यक्तियों के अपने प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्राप्त किया। प्रश्नों के साथ दूसरों की मदद करने से प्रश्न पूछ कर एक ऑनलाइन चर्चा शुरू की जा सकती है सबसे अच्छा हिस्सा यह है कि यह बहुत सरल है और यह मुफ्त है
even specialist doctors B,M,K,P,D,F and H visit a polyclinic on four days- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday – In a week. At Least one doctor but not more than two doctors vi ...
()+()+()three adding
Question: This question given below has three statements and those statements are followed by three conclusions. These statements are to be considered true even if they go against ...
Shalini has 4 years of post qualification work experience in a top organization. She has secured 59% marks in the selection process. Born on 5.10.1990. she has completed her Bachel ...
Mobile and PC also are not supported.Mobile and PC also are not supportedMobile and PC also are not supportedMobile and PC also are not supported
can anyone please tell me the exact concept of syllogism ? please explain this with an example
Four persons sitting in a row-I, P, Q, R and S are facing South and the four more persons sitting in another row-II T, U, V and W are facing North. Each of them is from a different ...
Statement: "You are hereby appointed as a programmer with a probation period of one year and your performance will be reviewed at the end of the period for confirmation." - A li ...
If in a certain Code FUNCTION is written as FVMERLLR , then how ACADEMY written in that code ? 1.BCXGDSW 2.ADYEDQU 3.ADZFCPV 4.BCYEDPW 5.None of these
Fill the series according to the previous one
What is the code for ‘certain'? a)G#18 b)G@8 c)H#8 d)G#8 e)None of these
If in a certain Code SPEAKER is written as RQDBJFS , then how LISTENER written in that code ? 1.RJRUDODL 2.SJRUOFDFM 3.LRDSGDDS 4.RKSTEOEL 5.None of these
how one will decide the answer at ? marks....the answer is 1?- <,=or= and at 2?-= or =
When gorblflur means fan belt pixngorbl means ceiling fan arthtusl means tile roof
If PAGES is coded as 12357 then TOUCH is coded as 1. 09856 2. 09864 3. 09536 4. 09857
And the boy had only 15 rupay then how many toffees bought by boy.?
Why everyone can see girl is lesser than boy