फ़ोरम एक ऑनलाइन चर्चा मंच है जहां युवाओं या यहां तक कि अनुभवी पेशेवरों ने से संबंधित अपने प्रश्नों पर चर्चा की और अन्य प्रतिभावान व्यक्तियों के अपने प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्राप्त किया। प्रश्नों के साथ दूसरों की मदद करने से प्रश्न पूछ कर एक ऑनलाइन चर्चा शुरू की जा सकती है सबसे अच्छा हिस्सा यह है कि यह बहुत सरल है और यह मुफ्त है
Hello all dear analyst, Plz, can anybody tell me how to do the numerical modelling for friction stir welding...and its thermo-mechanical analysis in ANSYS environment. Plz, help ...
Hi all My query is regarding ANSYS explicit dynamic mode. In ANSYS explicit dynamics, we have the option to determine INT_ENERGYALL in the worksheet result summary. Can you ...
I can find the damage status in each layer. Can anyone tell that how to predict the exact failure load so that it can be compared with experimental failure load? Normally people ...
I am a second year M.Tech student and currently working on a project that needs a parametric equation of ring component to be generated. I have carried out Design of experiments us ...
I'm trying to open ICEM CFD on ubunru from the workstation,. It shows thefollowing error Error : Missing font family helvetica Window information: depth = 24 ...
Please answer in respect to 2 phase flow of fluid inside the heat pipe.
How to solve problem for Vibrational analysis for suspensions in Ansys workbench 16 (Answer in respect to CFD- computational fluid Analysis) ?
Please provide me contact of CFD multi-fluid analysis engineer having more than 3 years experience.
Please provide web link for downloading ANSYS 16 student version software.
Hi all, I’m trying to create a simulation that mimic the behaver of a stretched plastic wrap. When stretching a plastic wrap, a wrinkling, wave like, marks appear. I created a s ...
My question is, that I am having a "round cross section beam" which is simply supported (i.e fixed support at one end and displacement at other end ) having force at the center ( a ...
Hello everyone My challenge is this: I have a steel beam with which I want to investigate the effects of damages on one or more of its elements at multiple select locations. Dam ...
Hi, I am a Mtech student. I am doing my final year project on Vibro-acoustics topic and using Ansys Workbench to do acoustic analysis of a structural plate in reverberation chamb ...
while visualizing the contour of the multi-phase domain the inlet is the only wall which has shown this difference, however , the interior nodes are coloured blue (indication fo ...
What is the method /step needed to get the velocity from point to point of a flat plate: 650x500x1mm in Ansys Workbench before proceed to sound radiation efficiency?
tell me the scope of ansys
I am doing a project related to vibration control of a cantilever plate. I need to find maximum strain area at which piezo eletric sensors could be attached?
I am designing model for thermal barrier coatings. The failure in thermal barrier coatings used in diesel engines happens because of growth of thermally grown oxide. So I need to d ...
After the analysis of any geometry how should we Optimized the design...???