Pune, Maharashtra, India
Industrial Automation, Welding, Aptitude
M. Tech. (Control Systems), College of Engineering, Pune
Master of Engineering or Technology
College of Engineering PuneUniversity of Pune
2015-2017 Score76%
Managed to score CGPA of 7.64 upto 3rd Semester
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Usha Mittal Institute of TechnologySNDT Women`s University
2010-2014 Score66%
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • 1.Working as a Placement Coordinator (COEP)

  • 5.Won the Third prize in Robotics competition in Abhivyakti (CSI) 2011-2012

  • 2.Attended “Winter School on Control and Dynamical Systems” at IIT Gandhinagar 3.Placement Coordinator (UMIT-SNDT) 2013-2014.

  • 6.Completed Level-1 Wired Robotics workshop held by IEEE in 2011

  • 4.Committee head for Art Committee of Mini-Tech Tornado (SNDT – ACM)

  • 7.Won the consolation prize for Skit in Yuva Mahostav(Cultural Festival)

Profile Snapshot
Priyanka is based out of Pune & has studied Control Systems, ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology from Year 2015-2017 in CE-College of Engineering Pune, University of Pune.
Priyanka Raut is Skilled in Industrial Automation, Welding, Aptitude and other talents.