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Hi, we are working on a project in which the image is chosen and that is converted to cartoon. we have got many apps but the work was manually done so if any suggestions or any al ...
Gaussian function is localize not only in frequency domain but also in Spatial domain. I have read, that this help to avoiding false edges (by using Gaussian function as Edge detec ...
Is there an algorithm/technique that can detect and compare (in real time) random non-geometric patterns (e.g. a squiggle but in 3D) and shapes in 3D space?
Having two buildings, A and B, distant to each other of 20 km. I want to check the existance of any object in a volume in the space between the two buildings. A teacher in image pr ...
any new trend concept in image processing.New updation in image processing
Good day buddies, am having issues recognizing partially occluded vehicle license plate using TESSERACT OCR on python, i was able to get fair character recognition using TESSERAC ...
Which are the best and easiest platforms to perform texture analysis on medical images?? Kindly help..other than Matlab modality- CT brain