Daund, Maharashtra, India
Team Leadership, Team Management, Autocad
Professional Entrepreneur, Web Developer in Wordpress, Autocad Technician, and Designer [2015 Batch ], Creative thinker Problem solver, Team Developer and Manger in IT companies, Computer Operator and IT Professional since 2011, A Blogger at ShouterVILLA.com and Curious plus Questioning Mind In every sector and part of companies. I'm from Daund - Pune India ready to take the adventurist Positions to grow my curiosity, my knowledge and for successfully complete my Adventure.
Work Experience
Full Time Dec-2016 To present 8 years 3 months
  • Doing research and generating revenue for the company, Taking the Board Meetings, Developing and Managing Team, Making new Innovation for the Company, Creating and Posting Porduct's of the company, Doing blog at blog platform of company, Answering and Presenting the New Product's to the customer, Researching customer needs, Generating the team which will handle the system etc. etc.
  • Generated New Digital Product's from the Company, Taken First Board Meeting, Developed new Web Graphics for Companies Website.
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Hon Shri Babanrao Pachpute Vichardhara TrustSavitribai Phule Pune University
Auto-Cad Project's Done in 2nd Year for the whole class.
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Chess

  • Reading Books

  • Blogging

  • Science of Deduction

  • Inspirational Speaking

  • Adventurist And Mystery Books

  • IT Operating

  • Solving Problems

  • Motivational Thinking

  • Creative Designing

  • Mobile Repairing

  • Solving Mystery

Profile Snapshot
Aakash is based out of Daund & has studied CE-Civil Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2013-2020 in HSBPVT-Hon Shri Babanrao Pachpute Vichardhara Trust, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Aakash Waghmare is Skilled in Team Leadership, Team Management, Autocad and other talents.