Dhanalakshmi is based out of Coimbatore & has studied Applied Electronics, ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology from Year 2013-2015 in Other, Other.
Dhanalakshmi P is Skilled in Matlab, C Plus Plus, Electronics Engineering and other talents.
I am Dhanalakshmi . I did ME - Applied Electronics with 8.16 CGPA in 2015. My area of interest is Digital image processing and computer networking. My skills are c c + +, vb.net and matlab.
Career Aim
I am Dhanalakshmi . I did ME - Applied Electronics with 8.16 CGPA in 2015. My area of interest is Digital image processing and computer networking. My skills are c c + +, vb.net and matlab.
   Title: “High-Accuracy Retinal Layer Segmentation For Diagnosing Internal Organ Diseases of    Human Body”.    Tool:   Image Processing Toolbox         This project aims to report the signs of various diseases of all body parts using retina layer segmentation with high resolution under digital image processing domain.               Â
Dhanalakshmi is based out of Coimbatore & has studied Applied Electronics, ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology from Year 2013-2015 in Other, Other.
Dhanalakshmi P is Skilled in Matlab, C Plus Plus, Electronics Engineering and other talents.