Reputation Board

This is a ranked list of youth who have earned Highest Reputation Points for front office executive talent.

An individual builds his/her reputation by helping the talent community by sharing his expert and relevant answers to the questions/posts on the forum. We believe the person who shares knowledge, helps others to learn and participate in building the community is valuable and hence deserves to be popularized. The individual will have a better yRank for getting better opportunities.

How you get on the of the leaderboard– Get points based on your activity ( check details shared below)

Answering Questions
50 Leave answer on other people's posts.
-10 Indicate when questions and answers are not useful.
10 Indicate when questions and answers are useful.
15 Bring content to the attention of the community via flags.

Asking Questions
1 Ask a question or contribute an answer.
5 If the question you asked is viewed more than 50 times i.e. – If the question is decently popular.
10 If the question you asked is viewed more than 100 times i.e. – You asked a very good question!!.

1 For Moderating & Editing an answer.
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