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what are the current opening in vlsi front end or back end
Iam a ece student in Coimbatore ....iam interested in vlsi...where can I do my part-time course in vlsi...while studying
Hi, Can I get the details of number of paper published in IEEE and Science direct journals for the past 5 to 7 years in the area of " Power supply noise and switching noise in VLS ...
Hi all...Could any one explain what is meant by a mathematical model pertained to architectural synthesis and coud you please provide some mathematical models as example...I downlo ...
I have to develop a layout of a 16 Bit ALU in Microwind, but I can't find its schematics anywhere to find get an idea of the design. Please help.
I have taken a Netlist. Now I am doing synthesis of this Netlist using two different technology nodes. All the other parameters are same. During synthesis I am generating timing re ...