How can I improve my knowledge in the history,

Iam just confusing about the moments and particular dates, is there any tip to remember history's

17 Answers
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17 Answers
  • U can see the historical events in pictures r films u can remember then 

  • Use images and signs to remember dates. Write all dates and events in a diary and read them during yr free period time . Reading 5-6 times will easily help u to remember these.

  • I will suggest you to remember the different dates is to write them in a notebook and when you 
    fine time take a look in the notebook for atleast for 5 min. I will suggest you to take look in notebookeither in early morning or at the time just before the sleep. 

  • Just relax and close your eyes and you can easily remember what happened in that moment.Try to visualize and keep regular meditation will help you

  • Yeah mr.shiv uhh can remember all the date for that uhh hv to make story of particular content and then uh told that story to your friends means recall that story twice or thrice or second option is to co-relate that content to day to day life 

  • The Best technique to remember(especially years) without any confusion is Mind Mapping..History is all about timeline(It's a record of series of years).First for your comfort,You can really Map the timeline(series of years) on paper by dividing the different centuries.,then centuries into decades in a well-arranged format.It would be like preparing/writing your own calendar by highlighting the particular years that you want to remember more in an organised way.After making keen observations of your self calendar(timeline),you can automatically map the timeline virtually in your Mind,where you(one) can take it to a realistic situation when you are thinking & reproducing the subject.A series of observations are Needed for this."Feeling the timeline of the History is also important".One can have a nice & smooth; virtual Time travel in their Mind if they can represent the timeline in an organised way.The same you can do it for remembering days in a year.Here numbers play a prominent role.Remembering the dates seems more difficult than years which needs a special approach of observation & practice.Relating the dates,comparing the dates with some other events/dates which you feel important is needed.For conscious(better) remembering your mind should accept the required event/date in however the possible manner and react to that spontaneously.All the above entire process will be like remembering the birthday of your dearest friend/,High-story(History) is all about 'Finding the need & Importance of past by making clear observations for the present & Future'.

  • Best is prepare a note in your cell phone or mark it as an event in your calendar of your mobile phone you won't forget it...

  • Please write it down the particular date and time to a small notebook or diary with the event or moment 
    I think it will help you to remember history

  • Connect it with your hobbies, or birthdays or the numbers which is related to you...
    It will be helpful to you...

  • You should read ncerts books of history and learn it as a story you might be used to listen by your nani..memories your chapters as a story and then learn will work for you. All the best.

  • Every day Write your personal diary.

  • make sure you maintain a separate book ragarding your it frequently

  • yes there is.. first feel the basics and mmov onn imin the history amd make sure u have to practice more.. to remember like study the particular topic N number of times and then not only by reading u have to see the historical scenes u can see those in youtube u can search in it
      thank you 
    make sure u can ask me more que

  • Try to remember dates by duration...
    olike if you want to the something of 23rd of December, then by 23rd Jan you should say that ok 1 month ago this happened and again on 23rd Feb day 2 months ago this happened and try memorizing like this.

  • Try to interrelate the dates with the situations and picturise in mind.

  • Hi.. Make it like a chain of actions/events. Maybe try to relate to the things around you.

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