Can you use Sales & Marketing interchangeably?

Discuss the marketing and sales strategies and why do you think it is important to set goals.

6 Answers
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6 Answers
  • In that example, the goal is to influence marketing-qualified leads. Remember, the point of your marketing strategy is to choose, prioritize, plan, and execute projects to influence profitable customer action. Therefore, marketing metrics closer to the ultimate purchase are often the best goals to set.

  • They both are part of sales management. One focus on the customer needs,and other find that customer and sell to them. So, yes these can be used interchangeably.

  • Sales and marketinf is linked with each other. They support each other to grow in market.

  • For any company to achieve its full potential, their sales and marketing teams should be aligned at the hip   – because:
    The more marketing knows about real-world customer wants, needs and expectations, what their daily psychographics are, and what keeps them awake at night…. the better it can develop meaningful strategies and tactics for promotional / selling programs, messaging, digital and hard-copy content, and websites that will all directly trigger purchase intent, and have lasting impact on brand perception and trust. i think it is important to set goals

Sales And Marketing

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