Does reading a lot of books contribute a lot in making a person successful ?

It's always said that , successful people always read much.

11 Answers
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11 Answers
  • Yes yes big yes....

  • "Rich and successful read books and poor watch television and serials." Obviously, reading valuable books and stuffs contribute a lot in making a person successful. Reading books opens up your thought process you are able to think to contribute and to gain a lot more. It helps grow people understand and cover mistakes. Books are made only to read and there is a need, role of the book which creates tremendous change in one's life Learning is a life long process and one can get ahead if it is in state of learning,improving and implementing which directly head towards reading 📚

  • no

  • if u r reading,for getting job u dont need to read a lot of books ,u read a good book a lot of time. BUT if u r reading for teaching others u have to read a lot of books

  • A lot of people don’t understand the power of reading. There question is "How can reading change your life"?. 
    1. One of the primary benefits of reading is that you can learn about a variety of different subjects. 
    2. Reading books can energise you such as inspirational, books.
    3. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability. 
    4. Knowledge can be increased by reading general knowledge, and historic books.
    5. Vocabulary Expansion we can learn new words, new phrases, new sentences.
    6. It helps for ones memory Improvement.
    7. It increases Stronger Analytical Thinking Skills.
    8. It improves  Focus and Concentration. 
    9. It increases imaginatio power.

  • scessful people reads much because we know reading is the best thing which s reading always gives better knowledge for making successful more and more .....

  • Ok, let me state a fact there is no mantra to success and the meaning of success differs person to person. Being an avid reader does not ensure success, successful people are assuredly avid readers. 
    Successful people are able to focus on one task for an elongated period of time. Readers take breaks, naturally, but the most avid reader simply cannot put a book down for longer than a day after they’ve dove into it. Successful people feel the same way about any task they set out to do.
    Successful people view their time as incredibly valuable and seize every opportunity they have to learn something new or accomplish a goal. Readers realize that 5 wasted minutes every day over the course of a year is more than an entire 24 hours wasted that could have been spent reading.

  • yes,they do.Nevertheless, it depends on the genre of the books you are reading .Not every book enhances your knowledge and not every book fantasise you, its completely on you what you like , dislike and what you want to gain by reading books.Your preferences will decide the type of books you would like reading and thereafter,the knowledge you gain from them.


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