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Explain foreach loop in PHP
Can I access a specific variable from other website.. Like the value of no of views in YouTube page
what will be the query for input field so that the entered data can be fetched through search button
Explanation of PHP
validate checkbox is filled or not without JavaScript
any best book which is useful for the interview for php developer?
How to run a PHP code in browser .
Explain variable declaration in php?
check a number is odd or even without using condition or loop
$x=0; if($x==false) { echo "found"; } else { echo "not found"; } OR $x=0; if($x===false) { echo "found"; } else { echo "not found"; }
I need to know all web development languages like PHP,CSS,HTML,JavaScript,JQuery and CMS.Suggest any one pdf contains all of this with how to develop sample web pages using these ...
what is the difference between print and echo
is it same or different
Give an example