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Hi - can someone help me pls? I'm unfamilliar with yii and php in general....i updated a value in a table that was serialized - and now i'm getting this error...
for searching schools,metro stations,parks,hotels etc with the entered range show all the shools and other places...
what is the use of usort () and lambda function in php.? explain with examples
what was the original abbreviation for php? is it still same or different one
which is the operator used in php to show inequality. State and explain giving suitable examples
It's difficult to convert the in mysqli I am using MySQLi server for connectivity so what the best way to convert this mysql to mysqli
what is saved at client system? a. cookies data b. session data
Explain PHP parameterized functions. Also Explain PHP variable length argument function
Explain some of the PHP array functions? List all array functions.
1. what is the role of "continue 2"? Please Explain with exaample
how many arguments does date_format() have? explain in detail
which superglobal variable have access to get, post and cookies value?
which one is correct?1. echo $var1, $var2, $var3 2print $var1, $var2, $var3
what is the result of the following expression print 5**2; also explain the concept
what is the purpose of " " used in echo statement of php. explain with suitable example
if any body can do it, mention how and how many time required?