How to satisfy Customer about product.

Acording to the Customer choice n preference give the product n explain all the features of product.

5 Answers
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5 Answers
  • Understand their concern, ask question and clarify their expectations.

  • Greet customer first.. then ask what they want to purchase. ..ask their budget range.. then accordingly show all the products with features and procedure to operate...keep patience n let customer take their time (minimum) ....your smile can surely get you more customers. ....good luck.. ..

  • Customer satisfaction with profit maximization is the key factor on which a business depends. To satisfy the customer, first of all it's important to understand his needs so that you can offer him the best suited product. After that the features of the product should be explained in the manner that customer doesn't feel as we are forcing them to buy our product, rather he finds himself so attracted towards the product that can not be able to stop himself from purchasing the product without looking at the competitors offers.

  • If a Customer want to purchase a ttelevision then explain all the features of television like screen sound picture quality etc...

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