What are different ways of securing a computer network?

What is the job of the Network Layer under the OSI reference model?

7 Answers
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7 Answers
  • Put In And Monitor Firewall Performance. A firewall is a piece or set of software or hardware designed to block unauthorized access to computers and networks. ...
    Update Passwords At Least Every Quarter. ...
    Maintain Your Anti-Virus Software. ...
    Create A Virtual Private Network (VPN) ...
    Training Your Employees. ...
    Ask for Help.

  • It is responsible for transfer of data to various networks...like mobile data ,WiFi..and more by sending data in the form of packets...from source to destination..through various nodes like switches,routers,networks.

  • Network Layer provides switching and routing technologies, creating logical paths, known as virtual circuits, for transmitting data from node to node

  • it responsible for packet forwarding including routing through intermediate routers.
    or translates the logical network address into physical address

  • There are different attacks possible on network so need to secure from all possible cases in following ways: Virus and other malware :- virus detection and other malware softwares Patch management:- Automating patching holes in software security Encryption:- Encrypting will store data in non-readable format Physical security:- Keeping backup of data Password:- Well build password to prevent dictionary attack Etc..............................................................................

Computer Networking

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