Free Online Psychometric Test

Try our 15-minute Online Psychometric Test to assess your talents and get in touch with the standard format of a Psychometric Test. Youth4Work’s Free Psychometric Test helps in benchmarking your interests through its measurement of your objective knowledge and skill in a specified field of interest. Assessment through Psychometric Test plays a pivotal role when it comes to career counseling.
  1. Total number of self-assessment questions is 25.
  2. Total duration of the test is 15 minutes.
  3. Mark the answers by encircling the right number. No answer can be left blank.
  4. There are no right or wrong answers. There is no negative marking.
  5. Please be honest while responding to questions for correct assessment. There is no concept of pass or fail in this test.
  6. Each question consists of two opposite assertions in Column A and Column B. You have to rate yourself on a scale of 7 points depending on which description (A or B) expresses you more accurately.
  7. Select whichever number best reflects where you exist between each pair of statements. The higher the number, the more you associate with the right column statement. The lower the number, the more you associate with the left column statement. Selecting number 4 puts you somewhere in between.
  8. The interpretation of the numbers is as follows:-
    1. I strongly resemble the description in Column A
    2. I closely resemble the description in Column A
    3. I somewhat resemble the description in Column A
    4. Neutral.
    5. I somewhat resemble the description in Column B
    6. I closely resemble the description in Column B
    7. I strongly resemble the description in Column B